Old Students Never Die

Partying over the recent triumph of their having reported the truth regarding Dr. Hwang's research paper, dead-drunk in champaign, they claims this is the victory for the "real" "professional" journalism spirit they have. Indeed, as they start digging into the truth, they sure come out with a fact or two, not knowing, however, what they have found is just a fragment of the whole scheme that is far beyond their perspectives.
Sruggling and fighting, as they always did against the authorities in the past, now against anything they see is politically and socially "right-wing", including a new authority just emerging from the grassroots, which they call "Public Power", those old students never die; they only face off?
Quote of the day]
"To write the truth as I see it; to defend the week against the strog; to fight for justice; and to seek as best I can, to bring the healing perspectives to bear on the terrible hates and fears of mankind in the hope of someday bringing about the world in which men will enjoy the differences of the human garden instead of killing each other over them." I.F.Stone