Sunday, December 11, 2005

MBC's Biggest Error

The biggest error MBC committed themselves is that they failed to focus on the ethics issue concerning stem cell research. They instead tight-rope walked to draw the public attention to their “likely” scenario of Dr. Hwang having fabricated his research on cloning the embryonic stem cells. With the publicity stunt, however, all MBC has since earned is a storm of backlash from the “reasonably” frustrated public, tarnishing their already fragile reputation as a broadcasting company. Now that it’s a matter of time to unveil whether Dr. Hwang has actually played the hero in their “stem cell fraud” scenario, MBC gets ever busy putting all their efforts and reachable network for the showdown.

Several concerned parties, including Seoul National University, have started the probe into Dr. Hwang’s papers published in the journal Science. Should it turn out the way MBC has directed all these disputes intended to be, MBC will find no way of dodging the questions asked of their own ethical problems. Along the way, however, the Science magazine and some respected American scientists will hurt a little, too.


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