Friday, December 09, 2005

Battle of Logic and Words

"한 피디는 문화방송 전 임직원에게 전자우편을 보내 “취재윤리를 어긴 부분은 사죄하지만 취재 과정상의 잘못이 진실을 막을 수는 없다”며 “현재까지 취재한 바로는 환자의 줄기세포가 1개라도 만들어졌다는 증거를 찾지 못했으며, <와이티엔>이 보도한 것처럼 ‘황우석 교수를 죽이러 왔다’고도 말하지 않았다”고 밝혔다. 또 “황 교수의 연구는 국민의 세금이 들어간 것이며, 이에 대해 언론사에서 취재하고 의혹이 사실로 드러날 때 이를 밝히는 것이 옳다고 생각한다”고 말했다."

This is the logic MBC has since been taking in their appeal to the public for the need to continue investigation into the Dr. Hwang’s papers published in the Science magazine. The focus of the issue has now moved from the ethical lapses Dr. Hwang made, and later admitted himself, during his research to the authenticity of his achievements and the very credibility of the cloning pioneer as a scientist. To me, the above remarks, made by a PD, which indeed represents the position on this matter taken by the entire MBC company, reveals nothing but their own ethical problems, so twisted and covered up, in my opinion, that I feel I can no longer trust anything this broadcasting company will ever produce – or who know they actually “manipulate” them all.

The above remarks are just an equivalent of saying, “for a certain end we pursue, once we've decided that it’s worth following, any measures can be justified no matter how torturing. MBC needs to be more humble when it comes to telling the truth. The supposed truth they noware seeking, to my utmost knowledge, comes as a mere logic they have invented. And when they take a logic, they’d better not forget there is always a counter-logic. This smelly, scandalous questions they are begging now, however, reflect the fact that our society has many holes in its major fields of activities negligently left unplugged. Science can't be an exception, but so far the press and media seem to have made the biggest one in their own identities and values.

Once oppressed and thus hidden under the past military regims, desires for the freedom, of what sort, they were so eager to have were at least sublime then. Now released like water pouring out of thick cold winter ice dam, the desires flood all over our society with no serious effort to contain the water, with no responsibility for the atrocities they have committed themselves. Alas, we live in a society devoid of responsibility and seriousness. Who would say this society is much different from the previous ones?; who would make me sure that it's getting better, now that everyone wants the truth but justification takes the place of just?

I thus define, from now on, all the press and media as nothing more than "mass blogger" and/or "wikimedia":just bigger, more systemic, and highly unionized and sophisticated. And it's all about politics, of their kind.


At 12:19 PM, Blogger Hastle said...

I can't help but wonder why MBC is so harassing Dr. hwang as to the authenticity of his paper even though a lot of experts around the world are all saying they find nothing suspect in his accomplishments. Already ridiculous, MBC looks even ludicrous in their obstinate quest for "the truth".


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